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2018-11-09 15:21来源:山东自考网
  31、The crowd began file slowly out of the stadium. They were stunned by the last-minute touchdown(着地得分).(simple sentence with –ed phrase)
  The crowd began to file slowly out of the stadium, stunned by the last-minute touchdown.
  32、At midnight my roommate closed her books. I studied until 2 A.M.(compound sentence)
  At midnight my roommate closed her books, but I studied until 2 A.M.
  33、The movie disgusted the coach. He worked out after fifteen minutes.(complex sentence)
  Because the movie disgusted the coach, he worked out after fifteen minutes.
  34、The rain hit the hot pavement. Plumes of stream rose from the blacktop. Cars slowed crawl. The fog obscured the driver’s vision.(compound complex sentence)
  When the rain hit the hot pavement, plumes of stream rose from the blacktop and cars slowed crawl for the fog obscured the driver’s vision.
  35、I leaned to quite my mind through mediation. Mediation can help me sleep better.(simple sentences with to opener)
  To help me sleep better, I leaned to quite my mind through mediation,.
