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2018-11-15 15:08来源:山东自考网

  69. …… as soon as you capture one mountain range , another one looms just ahead .
  loom : come into view in indistint and enlarged form 忽隐忽现。
  如:The iceberg loomed out of the mist .冰山在迷雾中忽隐忽现。
  Dangers are looming ahead . 危险阴森森地逼近。

  70. …… of coping with war in unfamiliar guises .
  guise : a false or assumed appearance or disguise 外貌,伪装。
  如:an old idea in a new guise 老观念新面貌(新瓶装旧酒)
  in the guise of 打扮成……的样子。
  如:the king in the guise of a beggar 装扮成乞丐的国王
  under the guise of 以……为借口。
  如:under the guise of friendship 以友谊为幌子
